Friday, 19 September 2008

Gwakaï - Asociologik (Gwakaï 03)

Gwakaï consists of Pti Kaï of(now of Lenklume) and Gwash(of LeXpekor). This EP is somewhere between old Fist of Fury and No Name, utilizing unconventional kick drums and off-kilter rhythms. The tracks seem to have as much in common with early Cabs, Throbbing Gristle and the like, as anything else. The track names here could be some sort of dig at Epileptik Records, perhaps some personal issue, or something to do with their TV appearance where they allegedly took credit for creating the French hardcore scene. But that's just me speculating, it could very well mean nothing.

A1 - Industrialiptik (5:31)
A2 - Tarahumara (4:27)
B1 - Minimaliptik (Remix) (5:10)
B2 - Animaliptik (5:51)



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