Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Psimurgh - International Konection (Mental Action Direct 05)

As far as I can tell, this is the only none-dancefloor-friendly-hardcore release to come from Mental Action Direct. Psimurgh I'm guessing might be from California because of the 5lowershop connection, he's also played keyboards on a Nommo Ogo album. Bearing all this in mind, it's a very strange record in a pretty unusual context. The tracks are divided thus: two drum & bass, one breakcore and one pretty nice 300bpm hardcore, none of which seem to fit with the label at all.

Apologies for the crackling and noise here. It's been pretty well looked after over the years and has only had two(non-ketamine taking and non-free party attending)owners, but at points it still sounds worse than my first issue copy of Hunky Dory by David Bowie, which is at least 30 years older.

A1 - Ni Valle
A2 - Farihfelt
B1 - For Nantes Freetek Spektator's
B2 - Roptekwern's Shikro



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