Monday, 29 September 2008

XMF - Live @ Trolleybus, Marseille 1998

Live set from the French duo(featuring a young Michel Amato AKA The Hacker). Mainly featuring slight variations on their self-released EPs, as well as their infamous track onEpiteth 7, and I'm assuming a couple of never released tracks.

Despite the relative fame to come for The Hacker, and the fact the aesthetic and attitude inherent in their work helped pave the way for the plasticised 'industrial' Dutch gabber of the past 5 years or so, XMF(Like so many Epiteth artists-with the exception of Micropoint) tend not to get the recognition they deserve. The bulk of their productions manage to be both slick and abrasive, a balance which in modern hardcore has been long lost due to a combination of music software, and lazy producers with a fascistic loyalty to that godawful Psychik Genocide kickdrum. Or more accurately, a fascistic loyalty to being really shit. Anyway enjoy the set.

PS - This was 'sourced' elsewhere, it's not an official release and i've no idea who ripped it.


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